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With the support and generosity of our numerous community supporters, who share our passion, Rocky Mountain Adaptive is able to continue providing unique adaptive sport and recreational experiences.


From the power of many comes the ability to change our future. Friends of RMA, Individual Supporters, and Volunteer Program Supporters enable a stronger, more accessible and more inclusive community. If you would like to support RMA through financial or product donations, use the button below.

Friends of RMA

Provide substantial funds to support the organisational growth of RMA's operations and programming


Provide generous donations supporting the generation and expansion of RMA’s adaptive programs.
Adam Reeves
Barbara Warren
Brenda Cherry
Carmen Neufeld
Catherine Coste
Chris Lares
Clint Cawsey
Colin Jackson
David Todd
Don & Donna Rees
Glenn & Peggy Wong
Gord & Dianne Pommen
Jacqueline McGrath
McCulloch Family
Jane Stark
Jillian McGrath
Lillian Bailey
Marie Olney
Marnie Dansereau
Michael Mezei & Andrea Hopps
Mike Jablonicky
Mike Wojcik
Monica Olney
Rutledge Family
Nicholas Ries
MacDonald Family
Penney Gaul
Peter Poole
Robert Shelton
Rosen Family
Ryan Bathgate
Ryan Brehon
Steve Horner
Susan Palidis
Werner & Ana Zullig
Fred Swaine
Pat & Will Steward


Provide in-kind and monetary funds enabling RMA's Volunteer and Buddy Program to develop and flourish.


Community Partners provide program support or partnerships which allow us to enhance our wide range of inclusive recreation. If you want to support change by collaborating with RMA, via products, services or venues, please click on button below.