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Information about Rocky Mountain Adaptives policies and practices as an organization.

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Policies & Documents

Rocky Mountain Adaptive believes in transparency. On this page you’ll find information about our policies, practices, and the general responsibility codes we look to uphold.

Booking Policy

Accessible Adventures

Bookings for all Accessible Adventures* require a 7 Day booking notice. Bookings for these activities are not accommodated through our online system within 7 days. If you are wishing to make a booking within this period, please get in touch. Weekends at are especially busy and often sold out. Payment must be made at time of booking (Buddies are excluded). If you are unable top pay via our online system, please contact us to make a booking.

Please note that we offer a multitude of programming, and on occasion receive overbookings via our online system. This is due to high staff ratios for our programs. We are working with our booking system to overcome this. In light of this, we reserve the right to cancel overbooking and refund in full. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.

* Accessible Adventures include: all Lessons, Experiences, Programs, Camps, Rentals & Buddies.

Additional Adventures

Corporate Adventures, Disability Groups, School Programs & Adaptive Education generally require a 4 – 8 week booking notice. For these activities, requests must be made via email or phone and are not accommodated through our online booking system.

Cancellation Policy

Accessible Adventures

Cancellations for all Accessible Adventures require a minimum 48-hour notice prior to the activity date in order to qualify for a full refund (minus a 10% processing fee). Refunds will be processed within 48 hours after the request has been received.*

Bookings cancelled within 48 hours of the activity date will not receive a refundAs a not for profit organization, working on tight budgets, we are unable to issue a refund for within 48 hours in most situations. This includes cancellation due to illness, transportation, equipment or weather etc.

If unusual circumstances do occur and cause a last minute cancellation, please contact us to explain. While our policy excludes refunds in most cases, we may be able to issue a system credit, re booking, or tax receipt (if booking funds are donated).

Please note that we reserve the right to cancel any activity due to extreme weather, transportation issues or if unusual situations occur.

*Cancellations for any multi-week programs must be made 7 days prior to the start of the program. There are no refunds for individuals days on any program. RMA will reschedule lessons cancelled by RMA. RMA will not reschedule lessons cancelled by adaptive guest.

Additional Adventures

Cancellations for all Additional Adventures (Disability Groups, School Programs & Adaptive Education)* require a minimum 7 day notice prior to the activity date in order to qualify for a full refund (minus a 10% processing fee)*. Refunds will be processed within 48 hours after the request has been received.

*Excludes Corporate Adventures, where a 50% refund will be issued when cancellation is made 4 weeks prior to event. No refund is provided for cancellations made within 4 weeks of event.

Bookings for Disability Groups, School Programs & Adaptive Education that are cancelled within 7 days of the activity date will not receive a refundAs a not for profit organisation, working on tight budgets, we are unable to issue a refund for within 48 hours in most situations. This includes cancellation due to illness, transportation, equipment or weather etc. We apologise for this.

If unusual circumstances do occur and cause a last minute cancellation, please contact us to explain. While our policy excludes refunds in most cases, we may be able to issue a system credit, re booking, or tax receipt (if booking funds are donated).

Inclement Weather

Bookings will not be cancelled or refunded due to inclement weather. RMA reserves the right to cancel an accessible adventure due to a forecast of severe weather such as extreme cold (below -30), heavy rain, high winds and thunderstorms. In this case, we will call you as soon as a decision has been made to cancel, and work with you reschedule your booking to a later date. If a later date cannot be agreed upon, a full refund will be issued. If we do not make a decision to cancel due to inclement weather, such as rain, the booking will go ahead as planned.

For winter programs taking place at a ski resort, adventures will only be cancelled by RMA due to cold weather if the resort chooses to close due to extreme cold or high winds. For example, Sunshine Village Resort will not operate their gondola in -30 or below which will cause us to cancel and reschedule lessons that are located at this resort. If the gondola is running and Sunshine Village is open, then our bookings will go ahead as planned. If a delayed opening is planned, we will do our best to provide you with the full length of your lesson time.


Please note our COVID-19 Policies and Protocols. In light of the current situation, all bookings are subject to last minute change or adjustments. Required cancellations caused by COVID-19 will be open to a booking credit.

General Policies

Alpine Responsibility Code

There are elements of risk that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Regardless of how you decide to use the slopes, always show courtesy to others. Please adhere to the code listed below and share with others the responsibility for a safe outdoor experience.

  1. Always stay in control. You must be able to stop, or avoid other people or objects.
  2. People ahead of you have the right-of-way. It is your responsibility to avoid them.
  3. Do not stop where you obstruct a trail, or are not visible from above.
  4. Before starting downhill or merging onto a trail, look uphill and yield to others.
  5. If you are involved in or witness a collision/accident you must remain at the scene and identify yourself to the Ski Patrol.
  6. Always use proper devices to help prevent runaway equipment.
  7. Observe and obey all posted signs and warnings.
  8. Keep off closed trails and obey area closures.
  9. You must not use lifts or terrain if your ability is impaired through the use of alcohol or drugs.
  10. You must have sufficient physical dexterity, ability, and knowledge to safely load, ride, and unload lifts. If in doubt, ask the lift attendant.

Know the Code – Be Safety Conscious! It is your responsibility.

Cross Country Responsibility Code

There are elements of risk that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Regardless of how you decide to use the trails, always show courtesy to others. Please adhere to the code listed below and share with others the responsibility for a safe outdoor experience.

  1. Always check posted trail conditions.
  2. Ski in indicated direction and obey all posted signs and warnings.  Keep off closed trails.
  3. Always ski to right when meeting on-coming skiers and when skiing on double track.
  4. Yield the track to faster skiers.
  5. Ski in control.  On two-way trails descending skiers have the right-of-way.
  6. Do not stop where you obstruct a trail or are not visible to others.  Move off the track quickly if you fall or during rest stops.
  7. Do not litter.  Take out what you pack in.  Respect all property.
  8. Report all incidents.

Know the Code – Be Safety Conscious! It is your responsibility.

Be Bear Aware

Be Bear Smart when you enjoy the outdoors.

  1. Carry bear spray & noise maker. Know how to use them, and keep them handy, especially when hiking.
  2. Always keep dogs on a leash
  3. Watch for signs of bear activity, such as tracks, scat rolled, logs and rocks, torn stumps, claw marked tress, diggings or anthills torn apart. If these signs are fresh, calmly and quickly leave the area.
  4. Don’t wear headphones or anything that might interfere with your ability to detect wildlife
  5. Be extra cautious in area with heavily- laden berry bushes.
  6. Stay in groups. Make plenty of noise, especially when going into the wind, moving through dense shrubbery and along streams and rivers.
  7. Pack out all your garbage in airtight containers.