How I Became Involved in RMA
RMA connects people, and helps them achieve things they never thought possible
How I Became Involved in RMA
Hi. I’m Megan Luscombe. I’ve known about and been involved with RMA for about five years now. This is my story. I was born with a condition known as bilateral Anophthalmia. Basically, this is medical jargon for “has no eyes”. My optic nerve and retina had developed just fine, the only thing missing was the slightly important eyeball, which pretty much left me totally blind. It’s a relatively rare condition (Actually it’s so rare that my Spell Check doesn’t even recognize it.). It must’ve been a big surprise for the doctors when they pulled open my eyelids to give me the eyedrops that they give all newborns, and found nothing there. I can’t say I’m jealous of them.
Anyways, as I grew older, I progressed through normal kid life. I liked music, volcanoes, swing sets and beanie babies. I particularly liked being outside. I ran around with my friends through the fields, played in the deepest snowbanks I could find, scraped my knees and climbed up and jumped off things. I always seemed to traipse back home absolutely soaked, or barefoot and covered in mud. And I loved heights. One of my favourite places was the roof. I’d always climb to the top of the hill to slide down, or claim the top bunk at summer camp. I was into sports too, mainly running and skiing.
I first found out about Rocky Mountain Adaptive from my mom. It was the summer of 2011. I had a group of visually impaired friends who had never really spent much time in the outdoors. I thought it would be a cool idea to plan and organize some activities that would get us active and out there. Plus it was a good excuse to hang out with friends while doing something I thought was really fun. So when I heard from my Mom and the Alberta Society for the Visually Impaired (ASVI) that there was this organization called RMA that specializes in helping people with this kind of stuff, I was immediately interested for treat to severe pain check tramadol price . Through ASVI, and with RMA’s help, we organized two days of awesome outdoor activities: climbing up Ha Ling–that huge-looking mountain you can see looming over Canmore–and rafting the next day. I was excited for my friends as much as myself; I’d never actually climbed a mountain before, and those things are pretty high.
Those two days turned out to be an absolute blast. I remembered what it felt like to stand almost at the top of a mountain, with a helicopter flying by below me and the smell of summer snow blowing in my face. I thought: if I could help other people achieve that, no matter what their challenges or ability, then I would. And so I started becoming more involved with RMA in other ways. I volunteered to help pull trail riders on hikes in the summer, and went skiing up at Sunshine during the winter. I knew that I was helping get people outside and get them active, that I was helping take them somewhere they’ve never been before or never thought they could go. I knew that I was helping make them happy, like I’d been after splashing down over icy white water on a raft, the front almost totally submerged in spray. And I knew that it was making me happy. Doing things with RMA gave me the opportunity to meet a lot of awesome people who shared a passion for the outdoors and sports. Many of them became good friends. RMA has provided great opportunities for lots of people, including myself to become active and engaged in adaptive sports, no matter what their abilities. But it’s more than that, though. RMA connects people, and helps them achieve things they never thought possible. But maybe most importantly it helps put smiles on people’s faces.
Inspired by this Story?
If this story has inspired you to get involved in adaptive sports, we have a large range of accessible adventures available to you.
Join In the Fun
Want to join the fun and give back? Volunteering with Rocky Mountain Adaptive is a great way to support your community while assisting others.
Struggling with Mental Health?
If you are struggling with mental health, there are many great resources in the Bow Valley. Please do not hesitate to reach out.
Make a Difference
You can make a difference to the growth of adaptive sports by donating to the Clairey Lou Memorial Fund & Matthew Hamer Legacy Fund. Thank you.