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General FAQ

Frequently asked questions about Rocky Mountain Adaptive.

What abilities do you cater for?

At RMA there is no limit to the type of disability we can accommodate in our programs. Focusing on an individuals’ strength within their physical and cognitive abilities, RMA welcomes participants with any physical, intellectual, cognitive, or developmental challenges. We cater for a range of individuals living with, but not limited to, the following: ADD/ADHD, Amputation, Arthritis, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Behavioral Health, Bone Disorder, Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, DCD, Deafness, Developmental Disabilities, Diabetes, Down Syndrome, Epilepsy, Fragile X, Hard of Hearing, Hemophilia, Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Disorder, Muscular Dystrophy, Nerve Disorders, Neurological Disorders, Paraplegia, Persons of Short Stature, Post-Polio, Quadriplegia, Respiratory Disorders, Spina Bifida, Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, Substance Abuse, and Vision Loss/Blindness.

What age range do you cater for?

Our activities vary in the age ranges they cater for. The youngest age we cater to is 4 years old. All age specifications are outlined on each activity page, which serve a guideline for appropriateness of that program for specific age groups. Smaller, age appropriate, groups may be formed for programs with varying ages of participants.

How do I make a booking?

Please head to to make a booking. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Does RMA provide personal care and if not, can my caregiver attend an activity?

RMA Staff and Volunteers cannot provide personal care for individuals participating in our activities. Carers are welcome to attend many of our activities, or we will arrange meeting times for carers and the adaptive guests if needed. Each specific program page will further outline who is welcome during the activity session. If you have questions or concerns about presence of caregivers during any of our programming, please contact us at

Can I volunteer with RMA?

All of RMA’s programs rely heavily on volunteer support to provide safe and enjoyable experiences for our adaptive guests. We welcome anyone who wishes to volunteer with us. Prior to volunteering, we ask that volunteers register and attend a volunteer training day during the Winter or Summer months. We also require volunteers provide a Vulnerable Sector Check. Learn more about volunteering with RMA.

How can I support RMA?

There are many options for getting your organization involved with RMA. Partners of RMA support specific program or equipment needs by providing discounted services or gift in kind. Sponsors make large monetary contributions to RMA. Supporters may organize third-party fundraisers with funds going to RMA, to choose to support in other ways.

How is RMA funded?

RMA is funded via grants, annual fundraisers and donations.

Can I take part for free?

Our  volunteer Buddy program have no associated costs and allow guests to request the assistance of a volunteer for an activity such as hiking, biking, skiing etc, when the adaptive guest is at a level that they can take part in the activity without instruction. Program funding is also available for most programs. Learn more…

Do you rent wheelchairs?

RMA do not rent wheelchairs at this time.